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Drawing from my extensive experience in the healthcare and biopharma sectors for a considerable period, I have observed that Medical Administration Errors pose significant challenges for providers of healthcare services, including nurses, social care workers, assistant support workers, and other caregivers. These errors encompass mistakes or inaccuracies during the administration of medications to clients, such as providing the wrong medication, incorrect dosages, administering medications at the wrong time, or failing to document medication administration accurately.

The consequences of medical administration errors can be severe, including adverse drug reactions, medication ineffectiveness, deterioration of health conditions, and even life-threatening situations for clients. Such errors can also erode trust in healthcare companies and compromise the quality of care provided. This is why, it is truly crucial to mitigate these errors and ensure accurate and safe medication administration.
According to the Health Service Executive (HSE), medication safety issues can impact health outcomes, hospital stays, readmission rates, and overall costs to Ireland's healthcare system. Globally, medication errors have been estimated to cost over €35 billion.

Before the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) conducted its medication safety monitoring program, which involved inspecting 34 public acute hospitals, it was discovered that while most hospitals had implemented some form of medication safety program, one in three hospitals did not have a formal strategy or plan to improve medication safety. In light of this finding, HIQA has recommended the establishment of a national approach to strategic planning for medication safety, with the aim of reducing errors and enhancing patient safety.
Furthermore, HIQA identified widespread inconsistencies and unwarranted variations in medication safety systems across Irish hospitals. It is estimated that there is one medication error per hospital patient per day, resulting in three million medication errors in Irish hospitals annually. HIQA news 2018.


Proposed Technology Solution:

A technology solution application, compatible with mobile phones or smartwatches depending on customer requirements, can play a significant role in mitigating medical administration errors by offering features and functionalities that support caregivers/healthcare professionals and enhance medication management processes. Leveraging the capabilities of the technology solution application can provide the following benefits:

  • Medication Reminders: Offer timely and personalized medication reminders to caregivers, helping them adhere to medication schedules and reducing the risk of missed doses or delays.
  • Dosage Accuracy: By integrating medication information and dosage instructions, the technology solution app. can assist caregivers in accurately administering prescribed dosages, minimizing the possibility of dosage errors.
  • Picture of administered medication: Capture images or scan barcodes of medications before and after administration, creating a visual record of the medication and its condition. This visual verification can help prevent mix-ups and ensure that the correct medication is given to the patient.
  • Route of Administration: Provide guidance on the appropriate route of administration for each medication, such as oral, intravenous, or topical. This information can assist caregivers in ensuring that medications are administered correctly and safely according to the prescribed method.
  • Tracking and Documentation: Can track and document medication administration, providing a reliable record of when each medication was given. This feature reduces the likelihood of repeated or missed doses and helps caregivers maintain accurate medication records.
  • Allergy and Interaction Alerts: With access to comprehensive medication databases can deliver real-time alerts regarding potential allergies or drug interactions. This information empowers caregivers to make informed decisions and avoid potentially harmful medication combinations.
  • Communication and Coordination: Facilitate seamless communication and coordination among caregivers, healthcare professionals, and family members. Updates on medication administration can be easily shared, ensuring that everyone involved has accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Data Analysis and Optimization: Can collect data on medication administration patterns and adherence rates. This data can be analyzed to identify trends, areas for improvement, and potential errors, enabling healthcare providers to optimize medication management processes and reduce errors in the long term.
  • Expiry Date Notifications: Can have a built-in scanner or be connected to a barcode scanning app to scan medication packages. By scanning the barcode, the watch can retrieve medication details, including the expiry date. If the medication is nearing or has exceeded its expiry date, the watch can provide immediate notifications to the caregiver, reminding them to discard or replace the medication.
  • Inventory Management: Assist in maintaining an updated inventory of medications. By scanning barcodes or manually entering medication information, caregivers can track the quantity and expiry dates of the medications available. This feature helps in avoiding potential harm to the patient as expired medications may have reduced effectiveness or pose risks to their health.
  • Reducing Wastage: By actively monitoring medication expiry dates, caregivers can reduce medication wastage. They can receive alerts in advance when medications are approaching their expiry, allowing them to prioritize the use of those medications or request replacements as needed. This feature helps optimize medication utilization and minimize unnecessary expenses.
  • Centralized Expiry Date Database: This can be connected to a centralized database that maintains a record of medication expiry dates. This database can be regularly updated with the latest information, ensuring that caregivers have access to accurate and up-to-date expiry date details of various medications.
  • Additionally, providing options for caregivers to choose from on the technology solution application can enhance medication administration tracking. Here are some additional options that can be included:
  • Accepted and Administered: The caregiver can select this option on the watch when the patient willingly accepts and successfully receives the medication as prescribed.
  • Declined: If the patient refuses to take the medication or expresses their unwillingness to consume it, the caregiver can choose the "Declined" option on the watch.
  • Missed: In cases where the caregiver attempted to administer the medication but was unable to do so, such as when the patient was unavailable or unresponsive, the caregiver can select the "Missed" option on the watch.
  • Disposed by Patient or Carer: When medications need to be discarded, either due to expiration or other reasons, the caregiver can choose the "Disposed" option on the watch.
  • Other Customizable Options: The watch can provide additional customizable categories, such as "Delayed Administration," "Medication Not Available," or "Medication Changed," allowing the caregiver to accurately capture and communicate unique situations or deviations from the standard medication administration process.

Including these options on the watch allows caregivers to conveniently document the outcome of medication administration, ensuring accurate tracking and communication of each event. This information can be stored and shared with healthcare professionals, facilitating comprehensive medication management and enabling prompt interventions if needed.


Furthermore, the proposed technology solution application offers caregivers the following:

  1. Comprehensive solution for organizing and managing various activities, including doctor's appointments, hospital visits, and other engagements related to patient care. By integrating with calendars and appointment scheduling systems, the technology solution application provides timely reminders and notifications to ensure caregivers stay on top of their schedules and to organize and manage various activities to ensure the timely administration of medication and prevent missed doses. This feature helps caregivers prepare in advance, ensuring a smooth and timely experience for both themselves and the patients they care for.
  2. Real-Time Updates and Changes: In the event of any changes or updates to scheduled appointments, such as rescheduling, cancellations, or new appointments, the technology solution application can instantly notify caregivers. This feature allows caregivers to stay informed about any modifications and adjust their plans accordingly, minimizing confusion and ensuring that they have the most up-to-date information at all times.
  3. Navigation and Directions: The technology solution application equipped with GPS and navigation capabilities can provide caregivers with turn-by-turn directions to hospitals, clinics, or any other healthcare facilities. This feature helps caregivers navigate unfamiliar areas and reach their destinations efficiently, saving time and reducing stress.
  4.  Integration with Health Records: Can integrate with electronic health record systems, allowing caregivers to access patient information, medical history, and relevant documents directly from their wrist. This integration streamlines the process of retrieving essential information during appointments, ensuring that caregivers have quick access to the data they need to provide the best possible care.
  5. Emergency Assistance: In critical situations, the technology solution application can provide emergency assistance features, such as one-touch calling for emergency services or pre-set emergency contacts. This functionality ensures that caregivers can quickly seek help or notify the appropriate individuals in case of emergencies, enhancing the safety and well-being of the patients under their care.
  6. Task Prioritization: Can help caregivers prioritize their tasks by providing a visual overview of their schedule and allowing them to categorize activities based on urgency or importance. This feature assists caregivers in efficiently managing their time and resources, ensuring that critical tasks receive the necessary attention and reducing the likelihood of overlooking important responsibilities.
  7. Notes and Voice Memos: Have note-taking and voice memo functionalities, enabling caregivers to quickly jot down important information or record reminders while on the go. This feature allows caregivers to capture essential details, such as medication instructions, doctor's recommendations, or any other relevant information, ensuring that they have a reliable reference for future use.
  8. Customization and Personalization: Offer customization options that allow caregivers to tailor their experience based on their specific needs and preferences. They can personalize settings, notifications, and reminders to align with their caregiving routine, enhancing usability and ensuring that the technology adapts seamlessly to their workflow.
  9.  Besides, Organizing and Reminding Social Activities Time: Can also assist caregivers in organizing and reminding them about social activities. Caregivers can input important social events, outings, gatherings, or any other engagements into the app. The watch then sends reminders and notifications to ensure caregivers stay organized and never miss out on important social activities.

This feature helps caregivers maintain a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle while providing care to their patients.

Overall, the integration of activity organizing and reminder features, along with doctors’ and hospitals’ appointment management, expands the capabilities of the technology solution application in supporting caregivers and enhancing their efficiency in medical administration and overall caregiving responsibilities.
It is important to emphasize that the technology solution application should complement human judgment and professional expertise rather than replace them. Healthcare professionals should oversee medication management processes and provide guidance to caregivers to ensure the utmost safety and quality of care.

By leveraging technology solution application capabilities, caregivers can mitigate medical administration errors, enhance medication management processes, and improve patient safety. This technology solution has the potential to reduce errors, improve medication adherence, and optimize healthcare outcomes in Ireland and other countries’ healthcare systems.
Overall, the proposed technology solution application provides a convenient and efficient tool for caregivers to manage their caregiving responsibilities and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

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Tom Black

Amy Jones

Tom Black

Alex Dillinger